12 Jan
9.00am : Settle Hannah
9.30am : Started to bleed a lot,masa nak mandi. Keluar blood clot.
11.00m : Started to feel contraction like. Call En Halim to take half day.
12.00noon : En Halim arrived home rushing to Hosp Selayang. Still bleeding.
12.15noon : Patah balik rumah, tertinggal GL pulak..
12.30noon : Rushing back to the hosp.
1.00pm : At flyover Bandar Rawang, En Halim langgar traffic light merah,turun flyover ada
roadblock. Kene tahan dgn traffic. Told the police had emergency. So,no hal. Sakit
perut yang amat sgt sedang menyerang.
1.20pm : Dah masuk kawasan hospital,tiba-tiba menangis sebab dah tak tahan sakit.Hahaha
1.30pm : Register at emergency counter.Kene jugak green zone. Ingatkan kalau kes
pregnancy bleeding nih boleh skip colour code lain. Green zone nih lama sangat nak
tunggu turn.Dah lah tgh sakit perut +bleeding kaw kaw.Sampai satu tahap dah rasa
macam nak pitam. Muka tangan jadik pucat lesi,seram sejuk badan barulah dapat
masuk Emergency Yellow Zone.
2.00pm : 3 docs came to observe me. 2 male 1 female.Redha jer la kangkang depan diorang.1
of the male doc yang bawak kua the janin.Urghhh! Sangat sakit masa dia masukkan
alat tuh.
2.45pm : Transfer to Gynae ward at 11th floor.
3.30pm : Ada sorang lady doc(macam fresh grad) tanya macam-macam soalan. A bit kalut.
Funny.Then the bos of her came to check on me. She scan my tummy and do the
seluk thing.The fresh grad doc took over alat scan from her bos. while she is going to
take the notes from her bos, she put the scan thing on my tummy and kene tegur
from her bos. Lawak sungguh. Serta merta teringatkan adik saya. Confirm dia pun
penah kena macam tuh. The bos said I will be scheduled for d&c
4.45pm : Transfer to Wad 9A
5.00-6.30pm : En Halim,my mom & Hannah datang wad.Hannah tak boleh duduk dia. Melawat
sana sini :)
6.30pm-9.30pm : Melepak while waiting for En Halim.
9.30pm : Nurse datang bagitau,saya dah ready to go to OT for D&C.
9.45pm : Everything is set for my D&C. The doc yg handle kes saya adalah doc yang sama sambut Hannah 2 years ago.
10.15pm : The doc gave gas for me to inhale. When the anaesthetic actually worked, I couldn't
feel a thing. Totally numb and can't breath. Dengar sayup-sayup doc panggil nama.
The rest is history.
Unknown time : The doc woke me up. The procedure has settled. Fuh,memang tak sedar apa.
Bius 1 badan.
11.45pm : From OT go back to ward 9A
13 Jan
7.00am : Nurse datang,kemas katil,salin baju,check BP.
8.00am : Breakfast sampai. Sungguh lapar. Seharian tak makan semalam. Menu: Nasi
goreng,pink guava juice and hot choc. Yummy! :)
9.30am : Doc datang checkup. Discharge today. He said wait for 3 cycle baru conceive.
1.30pm : Sampai rumah.
Nak jadi ahli Young Living?
5 years ago
Takper la.. takde rezeki kan. cube lagi yek. selamat berpantang! huhu
ReplyDeleteTulah..xpe,I can accept it :) Berpantang?Ohhhh!!!